January 28, 2025
We the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary commit ourselves to the Gospel values of hope, justice, freedom and human dignity, and pledge ourselves to act for and with the poor and oppressed of our world and to care for Earth.
Signs of hope should also be present for migrants who leave their homelands behind in search of a better life for themselves and their families. Gospel values are not rooted in prejudice and rejection, but a spirit of welcome with respect for the dignity of all.
We stand with those on the margins and strongly urge our elected officials to implement a just and comprehensive immigration policy for the United States that includes broad-based legalization of currently undocumented persons, providing them a path to citizenship. We strongly urge our elected officials to implement environmental policies that protects people of other countries resulting in the need to flee their home.
Join us in praying and advocating for policies that uphold the dignity and rights of all people, especially now, in these times, for those who are undocumented, refugees, exiles and other displaced persons who are suffering the effects of war, violence, famine and the destruction of their lands due to natural and human made disasters.
May the words of our Lord in Matthew 25:35 echo in our hearts: “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me."
The focus of the Chapter of Affairs was to decide our direction statement for the next six years. We prayerfully discerned and decided on the following commitment:
In the spirit of our foundress Nano Nagle, Presentation sisters and associates
commit ourselves to address the needs of women and children, especially as
they are impacted by economic, environmental and racial inequity.
Administration Office
84 Presentation Way
New Windsor, NY 12553
Tel: 845-564-0513
Mount St. Joseph
64 Presentation Way
New Windsor, NY 12553
Tel: 845-564-6620