Christian baptism calls all people to participate in the church's mission of evangelization and transformation of the world. Being an associate minister provides a way of living out baptismal promises by sharing in the charism, spirituality and mission of the Sisters of the Presentation without being a vowed member. Associate Ministers have the opportunity to extend the work of the congregation and the spirit of Nano Nagle. The sisters share their spiritual resources with the associates and all are enriched by the spirituality of one another. The congregation relates to the larger Christian community by this bonding of sisters and associates in spiritual growth, mutual support and sharing in the mission of the Sisters of the Presentation.
Each Associate Minister is asked to belong to a local AMEN group whenever possible. AMEN groups are composed of Presentation sisters and associate ministers who meet regularly for prayer, mutual support, spiritual growth and fostering the mission. Retreats are offered throughout the year to the associates in New England, New Jersey and New York.
Admission is requested through a Presentation sister or an associate minister. For more information please e-mail: Mary Jane Person or Noelle Molloy at
Becoming an Associate
Application for Associate Minister