Growing up in St. Frances of Rome parish in the Bronx, I met the Sisters of the Presentation as a young child at the parish school. While in high school, I was invited to join a group of women who were interested in a religious vocation. Sister Mary Theophane moderated this group and guided me to know what God wanted for my life.
Spending my first several years of ministry in elementary education, I learned that I was more suited to the older elementary grades. When I was assigned as a second-grade teacher, I found myself playing with the children more than teaching them! After this, I was asked to teach sixth grade. My cousin, Deirdre, was in my homeroom class, making that a very special year for me!
My advice to others would be to trust God always. God led me to this religious vocation, and I am grateful for the blessing of the many sisters with whom I have lived and worked. They both challenged and supported me. In addition, my deepened prayer life has allowed the Holy Spirit to shape my life and to conform my life to his.
While I enjoy reading, entertaining and trying new recipes, I am also kept busy with parish ministry in St. Joseph Parish, West Milford, New Jersey, where I have served as director of religious education for over 35 years.